Responsible Training has partnered with the Amarillo Public Health to provide a quality training program designed to teach you everything you need to know about working in your selected industry. These training programs are completed online.
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Select the course you need to complete your training today.
The entire course can be taken in a matter of hours.
Responsible Training is a state-recognized program certified issuer.
Course certification gets automatically uploaded to our database for easy access.
Once purchased, you will have as much time as you need to access the training. Once you have logged in and started training you will also have as much time as you need to complete the training. Each exam will have a limited amount of time to complete once you have started the exam, typically 2 hours.
Yes, you can work through any of our training courses we offer on your phone. Additionally, most of our exams can also be completed on your phone. If you experience any issues while accessing training on your phone, please contact 512-996-0909.
No, none of our courses require any prerequisite steps or knowledge to get started. Our programs our designed to teach you all the knowledge needed to take and pass the exam at the end. If you are new to the industry, we strongly recommend taking the entire course and each quiz before attempting the final exam.
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