Arlington Childcare $40.00

get your Arlington ChildCare certificate today

This Course is only available in City of Arlington, TX. 

CITY OF ARLINGTON, TX: As approved by the City of Arlington for their day care ordinance, our childcare course was created specifically to meet the needs and requirements of this agency. Our course has been evaluated and accepted by the City of Arlington..

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Customer Service|512-996-0909

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Hours of Operation | 9am–6pm

course overview

This course consists of 8 lessons and a final exam. The lessons are:

Lesson 1

General Childhood Illness

Lesson 2

Illnesses, Diseases & Environmental Aspects

Lesson 3

Personal Hygiene

Lesson 4

Foodborne Illness

Lesson 5

Food Safety & Food Protection

Lesson 6


Lesson 7


Lesson 8

Garbage & Pest Control


What will I learn?

How does this course work?

What are the certificate requirements?

How long is the certificate valid?

how much does the childcare certificate cost?

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12741 Research Blvd, Austin, Texas, 78759
P: 512-996-0909

All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2023 SafeWay Certifications, LLC,,,,
